Invite Clarity
into Your Life

With Mindfulness
and Awareness

Meditation is something anyone can benefit from with a little practice. After all, it does more than just help you relax your mind. Meditation can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, improve circulation, and give you a general sense of well-being.
"The mind is everything. What you think you become."
– The Buddha
In my meditation I attempt to get beyond the reflexive, “thinking” mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. I become the “observer” of my thoughts and can feel that I am not attached to my thoughts. I can choose which thoughts are good for me and which are not.
Have you ever tried to meditate?
What about starting today?
For me there is no right or wrong definition to meditation.
What I feel is true to meditation is that it puts you in contact with your inner wisdom.
As there are many different styles of meditation, it always makes sense to try them
and observe how you feel afterwards.
My Free Meditations For You
Meditation is not difficult. The only secret is: you have to do it in order to reap the benefits ;-). Just start with 10 minutes per day.
Do you have 10 minutes to do something good for your body, soul and especially for your mind?
Affectionate Breathing Meditation
Enjoy this 18 min, guided breathing meditation. .
It’s one of the three main meditations in MSC, Mindful Self-Compassion. Enjoy this time for yourself, enjoy to calm down your busy mind, enjoy to just be….
The mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind.
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Inner Wisdom Meditation
This meditation is a wonderful practice that you can use, whenever you want to change something in your life. The answers maybe will need some time, but they will come bubbling up from deep down inside of you – from your inner wisdom.
At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.
– Lao Tzu

May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.
Metta Meditation Mantra

My Meditation Styles
I am teaching various meditation styles. From an easy to follow breathing meditation or a guided meditation to mantra meditation and MSC.
MSC stands for Mindful Self-Compassion and I am truly grateful that I “stumbled” over this technique one day, which led me to my meditation teacher training with Dr. Kristin Neff and Dr. Christopher Germer.
“With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.” – Kristin Neff
Mindful Self-Compassion is a proven way to accept yourself, build inner strength and thrive.
Elke is a real yogi and can do classes and meditation what gave me extra energy and peace.
I am a beginner in yoga and it was great to took some single classes with Elke to get into the flow.
To me Elke is one of the first teachers i met who explained it in a great way always filled with background information.
Luzi, Germany, June 2019
Elke is a really good Yoga teacher and offers not only Hatha Yoga and Meditation in the morning but also Aerial Yoga (we really recommend it), Yin Yoga on the rooftop in the evening (with a stunning sunset and view of the stars) and many others.
The Yoga- Room has a wonderful view to the garden with the sound of (morning) birds - like in a fairytale.
Julia, Germany, Feb 2020
Meditation in Niyagama House
In Niyagama House I am offering daily a complimentary 30min meditation before breakfast.
You also can book a private meditation workshop to dive into MSC and take your own Metta Meditation sentences back home with you.
Our wonderful roof top terrace is always open. So just take your mat and cushion and do some sunrise or moon meditation by yourself.

Elke on her first Silent Retreat
Some years ago I went for a week into the Sri Lankan mountains close to Kandy for my first silent retreat: 5 hours of meditation and 90min walking meditation daily.
I must confess that I was really excited about finding out, how I would with just two meals daily, no eye contact and no talking. Like life can be a roller-coaster, and also this week was one for me…
But: already on day three I was much calmer, had less appetite and totally enjoyed it!!! Let’s see when I will be ready for the “real” one: the 10 day Vipassana Retreat with 10 hours meditation daily… (maybe it will be in my next life ;-).
Enjoy exploring meditation in your own pace.